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The Galpa is a short story platform , driven by stories submitted by a growing community of talented storytellers. It began with the work of a 71 year old teacher - Mrs Anjali Mohapatra, also a grandmother to 3 beautiful children, who wanted to write stories from her experiences and learnings from life. Always a story teller, she taught all manners of subjects to thousands of students across a illustrious career of over two decades. Her desire to write stories began with a simple blog called Granny Tales and now has culminated in to a community platform called the Galpa - meaning a collection of stories in Oriya.

Assortment of Books


While we love writing our hearts out, it does take a lot of time and effort to get these stories out here to the world. If you think we were able to add any value, please do contribute whatever amount you think is good by clicking on the link button on the right side!

Thank you so much!
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For Any Inquiries Contact Me

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